Prof Tham Nimal-Raj

Qualifications & Achievements

Prof Tham Nimal-Raj

In 1984 Professor Raj obtained the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Ilf in Nigeria and completed Bachelor of Science (Hons) 3rd Class also at the University of Ife, Nigeria. He then supplemented this qualification by obtaining at Master of Science degree and a Diploma in Nuclear Medicine at the University of London. Then followed a Faculty Diploma in Family Planning and Reproductive Health awarded by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
A Post Graduate Training Certificate in Prescribed Experience was completed at the Conjoined University of Greenwich and Professor Raj also obtained a Certificate of Safety in the Administration of Sedation as part of a Basic Endoscopy Course completed at Daren Valley Hospital.
Then a Foundation Course in Acupuncture from the British Medical Acupuncture Society was completed followed by a period of study at the University of Warwick which resulted in the award of a Post Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Care. In addition, he has also a BMU from the University of Portsmouth and a Post Graduate certificate in Diabetes, Metabolism and Inflammation awarded by the University of London.

Achievements in NHS

In 2011, Professor Raj was admitted as a Member of the Royal College General Practitioners with specific focus on Primary Care clinical delivery methodologies, also he is registered with the Council of Medical Experts. A further notifiable achievement includes Fellowship of the Royal Society of Health.

Achievements in Corporate Environment

Prof Raj is a member of the Chartered Management Institute which demonstrates his enthusiasm to ensure that clinical activities are delivered to patients in an organisationally resilient and professional manner.

Essex Medical Society

Prof Raj is the Founder and Managing Director of the Essex Medical Society that was established as a forum for physicians and surgeons to give them the opportunity of meeting together for the exchange of clinical intelligence. Part of Professor Raj’s work at EMS included the incorporation of the Einstein Centre, part of the organisation focused on the delivery of clinical related educational studies

Parliamentary Awards

He has received the prestigious Parliamentary Outstanding Doctor clinical award and has political connections that allow him to use his experience to challenge health care related marginalization, unfairness and injustice in the UK law courts. Professor Raj was highly commended by a former Government Secretary of State for Health for dedicated work in the area of Overseas Development Assistance.

Literary Successes

In addition, he has published several texts, including a teaching- book on anatomy and one related to interesting cases in ultrasound. He also regularly appears as a guest speaker at international clinical conferences and has establish charity activities in several areas. Professor Raj contributed to the preparation of the locality PCT & MMC prescribing formulary.


As a mentor, Professor Raj enjoys conveying his considerable range of medical and business expertise to his peers and other professionals who are willing to progress their personal, academic, and professional development. He has supported and trained nurses / pharmacist to do various programme to up-skill on prescribing and consultation. He is still supervising at present and has guided and supported doctors in difficulty in such areas as restrictions and suspensions to get them back to work.

BMA Position

Professor Raj is a Former Council Member of the British Medical Association (BMA) and held the role of Faculty member of the Royal College of General Practice in Essex from 2016.


He is a consummate leader working with leading lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs at national and international level, In addition, Professor Raj commands high respect for his integrity, professionalism and honest realistic guidance to peers.
He is a high achiever and is focused in getting things done and has successfully completed many projects and ventures.

Research and Innovation

Areas of research include the publication of the literary paper: Hysterosalpingography versus laparoscopy in tubal infertility: comparison based on findings at laparotomy by F.E. Okonofua U.I.
Essen T. Nimalaraj, First published February 1989
During 2006, he pioneered the establishment of community-based diagnostics ultrasound scanning in UK and contributed to national innovation initiatives as related to use of community diagnostic scanning within a primary care context. This included early diagnosis and treatment planning and that was first introduced in Essex in 2005.
Professor Raj expanded and further developed a large community- based diagnostics service with 15 consultant radiologists who were involved over various period of time.

Legal Work

He works closely with leading legal luminaries in the City of London, USA, Canada, the Gulf, India, and Sri Lanka.

Journal & Newsletter

He runs and fully supports a locality-based newsletter which is concerned with community diagnostics and related issues. In addition, he supports the enhancement of learning with the CPD programme for education.

YouTube Educational Channel

Under the auspices of Essex Medical Society and the New Vision University, he has been responsible for, and has acted as clinical editor for the development and publication of many clinical related YouTube videos which contain highly informative and detailed clinical content.

Communities Services and Charitable Activities

Dr Raj supports many charitable organisations and is very well appreciated by his patients where he has amassed many glowing tributes by his patients whom he has cared for over many years.

SARs Covid 19 Involvement

In 2020, Professor Raj was clinical practice lead and spent a considerable of time working in the Essex GP Community Hub where he worked tirelessly during the SARs Covid 19 Pandemic supporting countless patients and re-assuring colleagues who are involved in front line clinical delivery services. Furthermore, Professor Raj has been instrumental in identifying global sources of personal protective equipment in the fight against the pandemic.


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